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Story Mode: Selvam Venkatesan, Animation Director.

We’re spotlighting the leaders who are instrumental in fostering the development of our talented and creative teams, ensuring we stay ahead with the most cutting-edge arts services, crucial for creating the world’s best games.

Meet Selvam Venkatesan

  • Title: Animation Director 
  • Department: Animation & Rigging 
  • Length of career in the industry: 19 years 
  • Duration of employment with Technicolor Games: 17 years 
  • First Game worked on: God of War II

Career biography

Animation Director, Selvam, began his journey as an animator back in 2004, working on a television series at Paprikaas Animation Studios. His path took a turn when he was given the chance to work on God of War II, leading him into the wonderful world of gaming.

The rest, as they say, is history. 

He continued working as Game Animator focusing mainly in gameplay animations and in-game cinematics until he progressed into the role of Animation Supervisor. Over the course of this 15-year tenure, he has overseen work on various AAA titles for EA, Sony, Crystal Dynamics, IO Interactive, Capcom, Ubisoft, Warner Brothers, and many other publishing giants. During this time, Selvam continued to gain experience and built upon his leadership skills.

Now as Animation Director and a veteran of the industry, Selvam continues to find fulfilment in his everyday work within the dynamic Games and Animation industries. In his words,

There is always something new to learn and a new challenge to conquer, making each day an exciting adventure. 


Selvam considers his greatest achievement to be his role in nurturing the development of the Technicolor Games animation team. Through the successful management of numerous tests and the cultivation of strong client relationships, he has made substantial contributions to the Animation & Rigging department at Technicolor Games. He believes in the importance of learning from mistakes and continually striving for improvement.

Beyond Technicolor Games

Favourite hobby?

Playing table tennis and badminton

Favourite game character?

Nathan Drake from Unchartered, a character who has a strong personality and appears as an approachable ‘everyman’, yet has a mysterious subtext that lies beneath the surface. 

Biggest passion?

Animating animals and creatures, studying their motion and body dynamics.  

Want to learn more about the scope of our animation capabilities? Check them out here.

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