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Eric Williams Becomes XDS Spark Advisory Board Member.

We are thrilled to share that our VP of Business Development for North America, Eric Williams, is the newest XDS Spark Advisory Board member. This is a hugely exciting collaboration for both Eric and the team at XDS Spark, who undoubtedly have a very promising future together.

Eric took some time to fill us in on what this alliance means and how XDS Spark will prove transformative for the External Development industry.

What is XDS Spark?

It is what our external development community has been waiting for. XDS Spark is a premium platform bringing together creators (developers) and service providers in a safe, credible space to build connections that lead to long-term business engagements. Our Technicolor Games strategic partnership with the XDS conference remains critical to forming these relationships, and Spark provides a vehicle to foster the community all-year round, in between XDS events.

What does being on the XDS Spark Advisory Board mean?

Being invited to join the XDS Spark Advisory Board is an honor. As an Advisory Board member, I’ll provide strategic guidance based on my industry experience which will help shape the platform’s direction and growth. I’ll also network with other industry leaders, promote XDS Spark within my professional circles and advocate for its benefits.

Additionally, I’ll offer feedback for continued improvement to the platform, ensuring it effectively supports and connects creators and service providers in the Gaming and Film industries. Overall, serving on the advisory board presents a unique opportunity for me to directly impact the industry ecosystem’s future.

What are you most looking forward to in this new role? 

I am only one of a handful of highly talented and experienced advisors. I am mostly looking forward to working with the team and collaborating on how to best support our industry through the Spark platform.

What do you hope to achieve being on the Board?

Personally, I hope to contribute my expertise and experience to help shape the future of the platform, fostering connections and collaborations within the industry. I aim to expand my network, learn from other industry leaders, and stay at the forefront of emerging trends and innovations. Additionally, I aspire to see the board collectively drive the platform’s growth and success, establishing it as a premier hub for creators and service providers in the Gaming and Film industries.

Learn more about the XDS Spark team

The Spark leadership team consists of Co-Founders, Sam Carlisle and Chris Wren. Sam has an eclectic background, beginning his career as a consultant in behavioural analysis for negotiation and strategic partnering, and more recently was with Xbox Games Studios supporting global studios and publishing developers with external partners.

Chris spent nearly two decades with Electronic Arts developing AAA games, and contributed to building EA’s central external development group. As Founder of the External Development Summit (XDS), Chris has been at the forefront of delivering this highly sought after conference for the Games industry since 2013.

If you would like to get in touch with Eric and the Business Development team, you can contact them here.

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