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Anika Negi talks Women in Games.

International Women’s Day should serve more than ever as a reminder that although the Games industry has come on leaps and bounds in representation of women in the workforce, there is still a long way to go to encourage more participation and diversity.  

Technicolor Games Account Director, Anika Negi, took some time to talk about her career journey, give advice on navigating the Games industry, and share what it means to be a ‘Women in Games’ ambassador.

Can you provide a brief overview of your role at Technicolor Games and what do you enjoy the most?  

Managing our clients’ relationships is the main responsibility of an Account Director. Building enduring connections, ensuring customer happiness, and optimizing sales potential inside the accounts are my main objectives. Working as a Producer during my first 11 years at Technicolor Games enabled me to build some excellent relationships with customers, which are currently being leveraged to successfully produce games. 

What made you want to pursue a career in the Games industry?  

I was drawn to the Games industry because of my passion for gaming, creativity and interest in technology. The opportunity to work on innovative projects, create immersive experiences for players, and be part of a dynamic and growing industry. 

For those that are unaware or new to the industry, what is ‘Women in Games’? 

‘Women in Games’ is a global organization that works to promote diversity and inclusion within the gaming industry, particularly focusing on supporting and empowering women in various roles within the field. The organization provides networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and resources to help women succeed in the gaming industry. It also advocates for equal representation and opportunities for women in gaming, aiming to create a more inclusive and diverse industry. 

What does it mean to be a ‘Women in Games’ ambassador and how can you get involved in this? 

Being a ‘Women in Games’ ambassador involves representing and promoting the values of the organization within the Gaming industry and beyond. Ambassadors serve as role models and advocate for diversity and inclusion, supporting the organization’s mission to empower women in gaming. To become a ‘Women in Games’ ambassador, you typically need to demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the gaming industry. This can involve active participation in ‘Women in Games’ events, initiatives and communities, as well as a willingness to support and mentor other women in the industry. 

You can get involved in ‘Women in Games’ by attending their events, joining their online communities, and participating in their programs and initiatives. Networking with existing ambassadors and members can also help you learn more about the organization and how you can contribute as an ambassador. 

What do you think about the current representation of women in the Games industry?

The representation of women in the Games industry has improved over the years, but there is still work to be done to achieve full equality and inclusivity. Historically, the industry has been male dominated with women facing various challenges, including stereotypes, bias, and barriers to entry and advancement. However, in recent years there has been a greater recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the industry. Many companies are actively working to increase the representation of women and other underrepresented groups, both in their workforce and in the games they create. 

There has also been a rise in organizations, initiatives and movements such as, ‘Women in Games’ that are dedicated to supporting and empowering women in the industry. These efforts have helped to raise awareness of the issues faced by women in games and helped create more opportunities for women to succeed and thrive. 

While progress has been made, there is still a long way to go to achieve true gender equality in the Games industry. Continued efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, support women in games, and challenge stereotypes and biases are essential to driving further change. 

What do you think are the biggest challenges women face joining and progressing in the Games industry?  

Underrepresentation: Women are often underrepresented in the games industry, particularly in technical and leadership roles. This lack of representation can make it challenging for women to find role models and mentors, and to feel like they belong in the industry. 

Stereotypes and bias: There are often stereotypes and biases against women in games, which can lead to discrimination and unequal treatment. For example, women may be stereotyped as not being interested in or capable of working in technical roles, leading to fewer opportunities for advancement. 

Workplace culture: The games industry has been criticized for having a male dominated and sometimes toxic workplace culture. This can create a hostile environment for women, making it difficult for them to thrive and advance in their careers. 

Lack of support and resources: Women in games may also face a lack of support and resources, such as access to mentorship, networking opportunities and professional development programs, which can hinder their ability to progress in their careers. 

From your perspective, what do you think can be done to reduce these challenges? 

Promoting diversity and inclusion

Companies can actively work to promote diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices, leadership roles and company culture. This can include setting diversity goals, implementing bias training, and creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for all employees. 

Providing mentorship and support

Mentorship programs can be established to support women in the industry, providing them with guidance, advice and networking opportunities. Having access to mentors who can help navigate the challenges of the industry can be invaluable for women looking to advance their careers. 

Offering professional development opportunities

Companies can offer professional development opportunities, such as training programs, workshops, and conferences to help women in games develop their skills and advance their careers. These opportunities can help women build confidence, gain new skills and expand their professional networks. 

Addressing workplace culture

Companies can work to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture by addressing issues such as harassment, discrimination and bias. This can include implementing policies and procedures to address these issues, as well as fostering a culture of respect and equality among employees. 

What advice would you give to the next generation of women in the Games industry? 

1. Believe in yourself: I have always stood by this mantra of believing in yourself. Have confidence in your abilities and believe that you belong in the industry. Don’t let stereotypes or biases hold you back.  

2. Seek out mentors: Find mentors who can provide guidance, support, and advise as you navigate your career in the games industry. Learn from their experiences and seek out opportunities to grow and develop.  

3. Build your skills: Continuously work on building your skills and knowledge in your area of interest within the games industry. Stay updated on industry trends and technologies to remain competitive. 

4. Network: Build relationships with others in the industry, both within and outside your company. Networking can open up opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and career advancement.  

5. Speak up: Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas, opinions and perspectives. Your voice is valuable, and your insights can help shape the future of the industry.  

6. Support other women: Support and uplift other women in the industry. Share your experiences, offer advice, and help create a supportive community for women in games. 

7. Be a trailblazer: As a woman in the games industry, you have the opportunity to be a trailblazer and make a difference. Embrace this opportunity and strive to create positive change in the industry.

If you would like to find out more about ‘Women in Games’, you can take a look at the website here

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